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Setting Security (Roles)

  Documentation | Webpages  | Security Settings (Roles)

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Web pages can add security. You can create pages and areas that are limited to people who are part of a specific role. You can include more than 1 role and all those roles will have access.

You can create your own roles (see Admin Settings > Members > Roles) or use the inbuilt Roles provided (Admininistrator, Staff, Member).

You can assign roles to users manually, one at a time or in bulk and you can have a role assigned to a user automatically when they add a subscription (free or paid subscriptions that can be monthly, yearly or fixed period).

Once you save your page, you can leave the Roles blank which makes the page available to all users or you can add one or more roles. Roles can be associated to users through subscriptions or given to users manually. For example a paying member can be given the role of "Member" when they sign up and pay for a subscription. Staff are usually manually assigned the role "staff" by other staff or administrators.

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Enabling or Disabling a Page

  You can build a page and have it enabled or disabled until you’ve finished making or adding content. If the page is enabled, it has a green light. You can turn pages on and off easily by just clicking on the ‘enabled’ option or not clicking on it. ...

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